End of the week

Got up at 6.30am and took the dogs for a walk. So nice it’s getting warm enough for an early morning walk.

Later after dropping the girls at school I had some cruskits with spreadable cheese and a much longed for cup of tea. Hopefully next week I’ll be back in the swing of things and making proper breakfasts again.


Then it was off to the beauticians for a mani, pedi and eyelash & eyebrow tint. So good to have eyebrows again :-).

When I got back at 12pm I made a salad with a lentil pattie.


It was rather cold today so my afternoon snack was a warm bowl of veggie soup.


Dinner tonight was a family favourite – sweet bean burritos. I cheated and used an old photo.

Sweet Bean Burritos

Kevin and I ate dinner watching TV, while the girls sat outside on our driveway (in the cold) with the neighbours. Crazy!!!



Another good nights sleep. Woke just after 7am. Still a bit tired and groggy but almost back to normal.  I couldn’t decide what I wanted for breakfast and in fact, didn’t have it until 9am after I’d driven the girls to school (in my PJs since it started raining at the last minute). In the end I decided on a repeat of yesterdays lunch – pita bread with cheese, tomato and sprouts.


Since I’d had a late breakfast I didn’t both with a morning snack. I unpacked the rest of the suitcases and now just have to sort out my souveniers. Before lunch I took the dogs on a walk. Felt good to be out moving again after two days indoors. We left in sunshine and while out saw a rainbow over the lake. Made it back before the rain came which was good. I then made a much longed for salad for lunch – starring the leftover roast veggies heated up. Yum!


I had to smile when I looked out the loungeroom window as I was eating lunch.


Afternoon snack was a banana while Amy was at singing lessons. I took a photo with my phone but the computer is FULL and won’t let me download any more photos (I’m using my laptop to get ones off my camera)

I was starving when we got home so had a couple of cruskits with spreadable cheese while we waited for Kevin to come from work.

Dinner was an easy one tonight – falafel wraps. Sorry about the photo – I’d already eaten half before I remembered to take a photo :-).


And tonights treat bought back from the UK. LOVE these – good thing I can’t buy them here 🙂


Tomorrow I plan to make some oatmeal cookies and hummus!

Friday dinner failure

ANOTHER slow start to the day – I just can’t get my butt moving in the morning these days. Started the day with a cup of tea and one and half oatmeal cookies.


Later breakfast was 4 cruskits with spreadable cheese before heading out the door for a before school meeting with Amy’s teacher. The meeting went well and Amy’s teacher is trying to find ways to challenge her at school and stop her from being bored. After the meeting I listened the kids read in Christy’s class, then went and filled some orders for the uniform shop. Last stop before returning home was returning a book to the library.

I made another cup of tea and grabbed 2 cookies for morning tea. I took this over to Mum’s and Dad’s (next door) to show Dad all the info that had come in about the motorhome we are hiring in the UK.

Todays lunch was a bowl of cheesy potato chowder.


More travel plans this afternoon. I had fun playing with google maps – checking out photos of the places we’ll be staying out. I can’t tell you how excited I got when I saw this… View Larger Map

My afternoon snack with plum spread and camambert on my favourite crackers.


I was a bit munchy this afternoon so also had a small bag of popcorn.


And many cups of tea :-).

Tonights dinner was supposed to be vegetable korma. But unfortunately I managed to burn it and turned to mush. We tried it…


but it didn’t taste real good so I went back to the kitchen to make dinner no.2. Tofu slabs, basmati rice and sweet potato. Much better.


We ate this while watching Braveheart (as the girls had dinner at Nan’s). Great movie but I bailed again at the end (when he gets tortured) – I only ever watched that part once at the movies (and was VERY close to leaving the theatre). Needless to say I’m not planning to visit any dungeons in the UK!

Cold weather equals soup

Another slow morning. Drank tea while playing on the computer. Didn’t know what to have for breakfast. Eventually made myself a sandwich which  I ate in the car driving the girls to school.


After the school run I visited the pet shop to buy Bailey a coat for night-time. He’s been getting cold and sleeping on our bed too keep warm. Rosie used to do the same thing until we bought her a coat. The dogs and I then set out of a walk/photography session.


Boy was it cold out today. I had planned to have a smoothie when I got back but it was too cold. Instead I had a cup of tea, a banana and an oatmeal cookie.


I uploaded all my photos and sorted through the best ones. Lunch was an easy one today. Leftover red quinoa, frozen vegetables and tofu. All heated up and topped with some katsup manis (sweet soy sauce). Nice and warm and delicious.


Spent time working on our travels plans (again). I made a wrap with cheese, hummus, carrot, and spinach for my afternoon snack.


I must have been hungry because later I had a half a red onion and chili scroll from Bakers Delight and cup of tea while the girls were at singing lessons. I totally forgot I’d already had an afternoon snack!

Amy was a Nan’s for dinner and Kevin wasn’t expecting to be home till late so I decided on making soup for dinner. Definitely the right weather for soup. I made everyones favourite – cheesy potato chowder.


Supper was a cup of tea and a couple of chocolate :-). Can you tell I’ve already slipped into holiday mode?