It was the week of amazing skies, and some crazy thunderstorms.
It was the week of the Iditarod….
Dallas and Aliy (my favs shown above at the start) came in 1st and 2nd in a VERY exciting finish. There had been a really bad storm and Dallas didn’t even know he’d won the race, he thought he’d come in 3rd. I’m happy for his win, but sad for Aliy as this was her 3rd year in 2nd place (twice now behind Dallas and once behind his Dad, Mitch, who came in 3rd this race).
It was definitely a race to be remembered. The stories still being told are just incredible. I’ll definitely be ordering the DVD of this years race!!
It was the week we had another birdie visitor….
Luckily after a short rest and recovery is was able to fly off…
It was the week Kevin got himself a new toy….
and was able to get this stunning photo of where we live…
And it was the week of car rides with Bailey…
It was also my 7th week of being unwell, and not able to get much done :-(.