Bread filled Tuesday

I don’t mind the cold weather of Winter but boy do I find it hard to get going in the mornings – which you know if VERY unusual for me.I was going so slow this morning I even had a great deal of trouble deciding what I wanted for breakfast.  We were out of all bread – except for homemade white, had no eggs (our chickens are barely laying) and I wanted something warm. I really felt like an ommelette but that was out of the question. Eventually I decided on cheese on toast. It was very nice but would have been much better on grain bread.



I had quite a few erands to run today and headed out just before 10am. Of course, by the time it got to 11am I was rather hungry, and not organised enough to have bought a snack with me. So I once again resorted to Gloria Jeans and their delicious Iced Chocs. One small skim iced chocolate with no cream coming up. No photo but I’ve had enough of these lately you know what they look like.

I finished off my errands, which included picking up a few grocery items, and headed home.

I enjoyed yesterdays salad so much I decided to go with a repeat, with a slice of fresh country grain bread.


Got a few more chores attended to this afternoon, which included a sandwich snack. Some days I don’t eat bread at all but today I sure made up for it.


Tonights dinner was really rather pathetic. I’m cramming a lot into the days, tired by night-time and wanting to use up food, plus we didn’t have much in the way of fresh veggies. So I present – veggie snitzel, veggie fingers and corn. Pathetic I tell you. Lucky I had that salad at lunch.


A couple of hours later Kevin was kind enough to make me a cup of tea, which I enjoyed with a few chocolates.



Another fantastic day

Another 6am start. Before heading out the door I started a loaf of bread in the breadmaker, then set off  for a  walk with the dogs. I was rather underdressed this morning as it was quite cold outside. It was still nice but my ears hurt by the time I got back. I warmed up with a cup of tea and a couple of crusktis and spreadable cheese.


Later I had a most unusual breakfast. A lentil pattie topped with BBQ sauce, a sprinkling of grated cheese and some tomatoe slices. Yum, yum!



Once I dropped the girls at school (had to drive them today as both are under the weather) I headed to the gym for my cardio workout. I did 20mins on the eliptical and 20mins on the bike. It was a hard slog but I got it done and burnt up over 380cal in the process.

Came home just in time to catch the delivery man delivering my new pots :-).


After my shower I enjoyed a green smoothie.


The only problem with doing such a workout is that I really am quite exhausted for some time afterwards. I did manage to cook some quinoa in my new pot for todays lunch, do a bit of ironing and  I also sewed up a breadbag.


Around 1pm I was hungry enough for lunch. I had the red quinoa I’d cooked earlier, the last of the roast vegetables and some tofu with ketsup manis (love this). I ended up leaving a bit of everything.



Around 4pm I had some vegetable soup and corn thins with hummus.


Then it off to the groceries while Christy was at singing lessons. Back home I was rather hungry and dinner was not quite ready, so I finished off the hummus with a handful of vegetable tortilla chips.


Dinner tonight was Caribbean, Sweet Potato and Kidney Bean Hotpot. I didn’t have any curry so used cumin. I also subbed four bean mix for the red kidney beans, and served with some basmati rice. It was delicious.


The recipe is courtesy of Adam Guthrie of I Feel Good and I’m hoping to get permission to share the recipe. You can also subscribe to his recipes (he’s a vegan chef) on his website.

Freaky Friday

A lovely morning walk – though a good bit chillier this morning. I’m in a bit of a slump because my weight loss is VERY slow and at the rate I’m going I will NOT fit into my jeans before our trip. And buying another pair isn’t another option – I’ve tried but I’m right in between sizes. The next size up are too big. I don’t want to gain weight so I therefore, have to lose a bit of weight – only about 4kgs so it’s still doable but I need to get a move along. Not that you’d think so by todays eats :-(.











There was other stuff conveniently not photographed :-). Not good. Definitely not the way to be fitting in my jeans, and hardly a fruit or veggie to be seen.

Home made dressing delight

Had a lovely morning walk with the dogs followed by the upper body part of my workout. Then came a green smoothie – using freshly ground flaxseeds cortesy of my new grinder.


After dropping the girls at school I had a cup of tea and a slice of grainy bread with hummus.


Spent the morning doing random jobs around the house. Lunch was a salad with egg…and homemade dressing. I finally got around to making a honey mustard dressing with equal parts (1 tbsp) dijon mustard, honey, olive oil and lemon juice from Kath Eats Real Food.I fully expected not to like it – after all I do like a creamy dressing – but this was REALLY good.


Afternoon tea – a cup of tea and a chocolate muffin (homemade this morning and on the healthy side).


This afternoons snack was pita bread with cheese, hummus, carrot and sprouts. Yum!!


Served with tea, of course.


Tonights dinner was a lentil bake. I’ve made it before and I love it. But unfortunately I’m the only one who does…


You can find the recipe at Attic 24. If you like lentils you’ll love it. I even forgot the peanuts and it still tasted great. Real comfort food.


And lastly…
