Firstly, Happy New Year to anyone reading my blog – not too sure if anyone actually does but it’s a good way of me keeping track of what is going on in my life (and mind). We went to watch the Hawks (basketball) get beaten yet again. We took the girls being New Years Eve and had planned to stay and watch the fireworks. But I had one of the shocking days with the girls and was pretty stressed out so we decided instead of hanging around for an hour we’d come home and watch the 9pm fireworks on TV – the girls were just as happy. We then all headed to bed. I read for a bit and went to sleep around 10.30pm. I did wake at 12am when fireworks went off but that was it. I don’t even think Kevin stirred.
New Years Day we had our friends Leanne, Noel and their 3 girls over. It was a pretty relaxing afternoon and considerably cooler than last year when it was 45deg. I think it’s been the low 20s all week – pretty nice for me but not really Summer. I have hardly been in the pool so far this season but the girls still do. Tends to be the days that are warm enough for me I’m too busy to go in.
We’re gearing up for our houseboat holiday with my Mum and Dad. We leave on Friday for six nights. Should be nice and relaxing. Hope the girls behave. A family friend is staying at Mum & Dad’s and looking after all our animals. I’ve got a pretty long list of things to do tomorrow.