It’s been go, go, go


Well, I feel as if I’ve barely had time to stop and take a breath so far during the holidays. I’ll give a quick run down.

Sat – Home in the morning (did jobs around the house). Was supposed to go and watch Amy do singing and drama in the afternoon but it was cancelled at the last minute (not very impressed I can tell you) so I ended up racing off to my book group (which I’d been going to miss).

Sun – Had friends over for lunch and daughter stayed for sleepover.

Mon – Nan & Poppy took girls out for the day so Kevin and I went shopping (public holiday) and to the movies – saw Evan Almighty which was rather funny.

Tues – Amy had a dance competition in Nowra. She got a highly commended for Fast Tap. I hadn’t watched her for ages and was quite impressed with much she’s improved this year. She really loves tap (and only started last year).


Wed – Morning shopping and picking up new glasses. I normally wear contacts but wanted glasses for when I go into hospital (my last pair were over 10 years old and very out of fashion). I’m pretty happy with my new ones.

img_3465wearing new glasses

Then had a friend and her daughter over for lunch. Daughter stayed for a sleepover. Did get a little scrapbooking done and, since it was such a hot day, went for my first swim of the season. Had takeway Chinese for dinner – which we hadn’t had a long time – was very nice.


Thurs – A free morning – well, not really, as I had a list of things to get done. Got everything crossed off which was good. Then took the girls to a Stampin’ Up Party in the afternoon. They had lots of fun. I was amazed how much quicker they were than most of the girls – I guess it’s cause they do so much craft and were familiar with a lot of the products – like tape runner. They also had a swim while the Mum’s had a chat.


Fri – Our busiest day yet. Left home at 9am to take girls to a workshop at the Science Center. It was on seeds and flower and they had a ball. I used the time to duck into town to buy my parents a present for the 40th Wedding Anniversay on Sunday. Then we headed up to Sydney to meet with Leanne and her girls at a bike track. It’s a great set up with traffic lights and round abouts. The girls had a ball. We went back to their place afterwards then headed home, before heading back out the basketball. My friend Lucy (who owns the Romance book shop) came with us tonight. We had a yummy Thai dinner before the game. The game itself was so much better than last weeks and though we didn’t win (lost by a couple of pts) the team played great and the atmoshpere was awesome.


Well, so much for the quick run down. Today I have another list of jobs to do, then it’s off to see Circus Monoxide (where people, not animals, perform all the tricks and stunts). Tomorrow we have to pack for our week away in Nan & Pop’s van, then a celebratory lunch for their anniversay. Then we’re off to Murramarang (Kevin gets to stay home and go to work). Can’t wait. I’ve got a pile of books and magazines to read while I laze the days away.

2 thoughts on “It’s been go, go, go

  1. I have missed a lot, I honestly don’t know why…….I guess I did go to NY for a bit………I missed why you were going inot the hospital…..and my gosh, you are busy………what a neat idea for a circus!

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