This is a job I’ve been wanting to tackle for a few weeks now. I’m pretty good and do go through our wardrobes on a regular basis. But this time I was ruthless. If something didn’t look good or is never going to look good, out it went. Some were thing I bought as I was losing weight and actually never wore cause they didn’t really do much for me. Amy was off school today (sick) so I got her to look through her wardrobe and we got rid of anything she doesn’t like (later we and go through and check what’s left actually fits). I also went through bins of Amy’s old clothes to see what might fit Christy for Summer, so she has a pile of clothes to try on. Later I’ll do a list of what I need to buy for the girls. I think all I need is some dressier pants (have plenty of casual ones). Oh, that bottom row of clothes are clothes that “almost” fit.
This is what I got rid of. I love those red shoes but they are NOT comfortable.
And this is from the girls
I also tidied and cleaned all the bedrooms so I’m feeling VERY tired now. It took from 9am till about 2pm.
Good for you Libby……I need to do the same………one of my least favorite jobs……….the shoe thing is a BIG one that needs to be done………maybe you have inspired me……..but I am sure I can find many excuses not to start:)
It’s almost Spring, probably time for me to do this again too!
What do you do with your unwanted items?
Firstly, I pack some off to friends who might use them. The less-nice stuff goes directly to the op shop. Very occasionally there’s some daggy kids’ tshirts etc and they go to the shed for rags. 🙂