Since this day was over a month ago and my memory is pretty attrocious, I might make this a blog post with more photos and less words.
The day started with editing a vlog.
And tidying the kitchen… again.
Bailey having a nap.
Our local Coles has started selling bagels (with pretty good ingredients) so we’ve been buying a lot of them. Both the girls and I love them. Today I had one for breakfast with hummus and cheese. And tea, of course.
Time to restock the jar of Luna bars.
After dropping Athena off at a friends (they were going to the beach with a group from school), I took the dogs on a walk, to an area new to us. Loved seeing the horses. It was a lovely walk (once my ankle stopped bothering me).
Looking back over to where I live.
Gotta love a path winding through trees.
I know it’s a weed but I always get excited when I see thistle … must be the Scottish blood.
Back home it was time for some raspberry & pear loaf… and more tea.
Lunch was my normal salad, with a Southern Quorn burger.
Rosie having a nap.
Ants!! Couldn’t work out how they had gotten into my pantry. Then Christy discovered that the bag of chips I’d bought in earlier had a hole.. and a lot more ants. They had obviously been having quite the party in our spare pantry. Luckily they only seemed to be in this one bag.
Athena had been wanting this Rocky Horror nail polish collection from Picture Polish and it was finally made available to order.
Time for some scrapbooking…. it’s been a LONG time since I did any.
Of course, you can’t scrapbook without lighting a candle. It’s just not done!!
Bailey watching out the window. Love how he rests his head.
My faithful scrapbooking companions.
Pretty evening skies outside.
And a rainbow.
Dinner – an easy one tonight. Of course I used some soy fillets instead of chicken.
Of course, the day can also be seem in video format.
what gorgeous paths for your walk!!!!