December was the month I finally bit the bullet (after so much hair loss due to Fibro) and got my hair cut to shoulder length.
Best decision I’ve made for a long time.
December highlights include a school camp for Christy…
Plenty of Christmas tea….
A gifts from a friends….
Lots of research about Fibromylgia…..
Gift wrapping with Athena and Rosie….
Plenty of family game time….
Shopping in the new center….
Lunch at a vegan restaurant ….
A few too many Popcorn Caramel Chillers…
Enjoying my Christmas view (from my spot on the couch)…
Sending out Christmas cards….
Getting the kids Dan & Phil christmas calenders….
Attempting to complete December Daily…but only getting through a few days….
Starting every vlogmas video with my Minne Christmas hat…
Enjoying ice cold water in my palm tree cup….
Getting a very unexpected upgrade offer for our Christmas cruise…
Enjoying a black out….
and a crazy hail storm….
Enjoying my fav. Christmas time biscuits… even though they have changed the recipe….
Having a date night with Kevin….
to see Mockingjay in Gold Class….
Rescuing a baby bird….
Having lunch in Kiama with Kevin & Athena….
And a trip to Costco….