Saturday in the kitchen

I woke around 6.30am and thought about doing a workout. I debated with myself and was inspired by Lisa at Bike Bake Blog who not only exercises on cold Winter mornings – but leaves the house to do so. Finally I got into my exercise clothes and did my red carpet ready workout. Since I really didn’t want to do it I just did one of the short SAS-E workouts. Loved it and as always felt great afterwards.

Of course, then it was time for a green smoothie. One day I’ll have to make him one of his own.

Around 8.30am I had some cruskits with spreadable cheese.


I spent the morning in the kitchen – cleaning out the fridge/freezer and pantry and doing fun jobs like window sills and skirting boards. I did have a break around 11am for a babybell cheese and banana.


While I was in the kitchen I made some lemon cookies (as we have loads of lemons on our tree). Amy snapped this photo just after I’d wrapped the dough to place in the fridge.


By the time I finished the kitchen, vaccumed downstairs and help Kevin remodel the chicken yard it was well after 1pm and time for lunch. Amy and Kevin had jaffles but I opted for a salad – using the last of the rice balls. Love these and will need to make a trip to only organic store in Wollongong to restock after our holiday.


I spent the afternoon finally getting our plans typed up into tripit. I drank way too many cups of tea and around 4pm prepared a cheese platter to share with Kevin. I forgot to take a photo but it looked pretty much like the one I had yesterday but with a few other types of cheese. My legs were starting to feel a bit sore so I know I’ll be feeling it in the morning.

Dinner was homemade pizza on pita bread I found when cleaning out the freezer. Kevin didn’t want pizza so he had spaghetti on toast. My pizza had BBQ sauce, corn, tomato, pineapple and cheese.


Tonight we watched Elizabeth – the virgin Queen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many dead bodies, war and blood as I’ve seen in the last few weeks while we’ve watched all these historical shows and documentaries in preparation for our trip.

Later Kevin announced he felt like some chocolate so Amy divided up the block of Cadbury’s (fair trade) that was in the fridge. Loved how she served it in our little dishes. I definitely do {heart} chocolate.


Simple Saturday

Very hard to get out of bed again this morning (hands and feet sore and swollen again) but I did. And I even managed to talk Kevin into coming for a walk with me and dogs this morning. It was nice to have some human company and good chance for us to have a chat.

I made the girls some French Toast for breakfast and decided to have a slice myself. We have ours the Scottish way – with tomato ketchup. Yum.



I then got busy in the kitchen – making bread (for the girls lunch), some lemon cookies and hummus. Christy had a friend over to play and Amy occupied herself on the computer.

Mid-morning I had a cup of tea , a banana and slice of banana cake. I’m trying to teach myself I don’t have to have a cake/cookie with every cup of tea!

I was playing with my new DSLR (Kevin’s spare camera) and the camera was set right so the photos are VERY yellow!


Lunch today was a salad with egg and the homemade hummus.


Amy photographed her lunch today as well. She must have been hungry when she prepared this but only ate 3/4.


This afternoon I played on the computer – working on our holiday plans. I sampled a few of the lemon cookies


and later served some hummus with turkish bread and veggie chips for Kevin & I to munch on.


After a spa and more computer time we had another easy dinner of leftover Mushroom and Potato soup with a chunk of homemade bread. So hard to get decent lighting at the dinner table when it’s dark outside.


I hadn’t planned on having ice-cream tonight but when I had to dish some out for Christy I weakened and did a bowl for myself. Tonight I grated a block of Cadbury fairtrade choc. which was SOOO yummy on the ice cream.
