Terrific Tuesday

Had a fantastic day as far as food and exercise and feeling good goes. Started off with an early morning walk with the dogs. I was hungry when I got back so had a small snack of 2 cruskits with spreadable cheese.


Later I made a scrambled egg with onion, placed inside some mountain bread with BBQ sauce.



Then it was off to the gym. I decided to ride up with Christy (the school is right next door). I let my membership go in Jan so paid for just 15 visits (that will take me up until we go away). Was nice to be back and see lots of familiar faces. I did 15mins on the bike, 5 mins on rower and 15min on elliptical. Then rode back home. My legs were like jelly when I got home. And my face rather red…


After cooling down I had a shower and made myself a green smoothie.


I made a short 5min video about my recommitment to the Red Carpet Ready program.


Lunch was yet another salad with egg and pineapple and new favourite homemade dressing. I also added some pinenuts.


Spent the afternoon playing on the computer and reading. Legs are feeling it after this mornings workout. But I did manage to get a start on some vegetable soup – just chopped up what I could find in the crisper and added some chicken stock (the kind that doesn’t contain chicken!).


Around 2pm I had




and 5.30pm a half bowl of the vegetable soup…


Dinner was a very delicious selection of roast vegetables…


My plate… with one vegetable finger…


A few hours later I was feeling a little peckish so myself a chocolate protein shake. I haven’t one of these in ages – not since discovering green smoothies so it was very nice for a change.


Next it was time for a nice hot bath – to try sooth my aching legs. Then bed with a good book and a cup of tea (courtesy of Kevin).