A fresh look

A new 'do

Sorry I haven’t been posting much. Not really much to report lately. I had a bit of a pamper day yesterday. I had my nails done, then a hair cut (feels so much better), some scrapbooking, dinner out with friends and then watching the basketball (the Hawks won – yeah!!!!).

Another day to look forward to. Kevin and I are going up to Sydney to see the musical My Fair Lady. We’ll do a bit of shopping and stop by Haigh’s to get some of my favourite dark chocolate.

Then tomorrow we have a list of home jobs to tackle….

3 thoughts on “A fresh look

  1. Thats a really nice top libby! I always feel like a new gal after a hair cut.

    Have you tried Haigh’s hot chocolate? It’s awesome!

    Enjoy your trip to Sydney 🙂

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