Kiama Holiday – Part 1


Well, we’re home safe and sound from our holiday. Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook will know we had pretty bad weather – cold, wet and windy most of the time. But it was still nice to get away, sit and relax, and not to have to consult the to-do list. The girls got out to play – between rain showers, we managed a couple of walks on the rocks, the beach twice and even to swim in the pool (well, the girls did).I spent most of the week huddled in the van (keeping warm and dry) drinking lots of tea and working on plans for our UK trip next year. It was great having hours to spend doing this (without guilt) and I’ve got a lot accomplished.

Lots of photos to share so let’s get started. Firstly, let’s check out the weather – LOTS of rain…

East Beach Kiama

Rainy East Beach

In the rain

The view from our van

Rainy days

Look.. a rainbow…must be some sun on the way…


Oh, here it is… just briefly here and there…

East Beach at Kiama

Quick. let’s head to the pool…

This is more like it

Christy in the pool


Oh, no… cloudy again…but we can probably still visit the beach…


Christy playing in the sand

Let's relax

And my crazy girls can even get wet….


Crazy girls

Swim time

Part 2…coming soon…

3 thoughts on “Kiama Holiday – Part 1

  1. That looks cold!!! I was thinking of you away in the van with 2 kids while it was raining here 🙂

    I think we stayed at that same caravan park when we stopped in Kiama last year. It looks familiar anyway.

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