A day at the Zoo

As usual I was first up. The girls set an alarm for 7am and everyone got up and ready for the day. We arrived at the gates before opening and were able to secure ourselves a buggy in which to explore the zoo.

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There were lots of animals to be seen – most of these photos were taken by Kevin.

This baby Rhino was one years old. How cute is he?



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The giraffes were are favourite and we were lucky they came down really close.

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There was time for an elephant ride :-).


Though we hadn’t had lunch yet Kevin decided it was time for ice-cream. I guess it is a mini-holiday :-).


By this time we were nearly half way round the zoo, though we found the second half to be missing lots of exhibits.




Back at the entrance we had some lunch, while watching some monkeys and lemur’s. Then it was time to visit the play park. The girls spent almost an hour playing on the flying fox.

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We then did another lap of the park, allowing the girls to have a drive – which they loved,

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and stopping the see a few animals again.

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I took a whole lot of video, which I’ll put together when we get home.

It was a very hot day so we’d had enough by 2pm and headed back to the apartment, where we were quick to jump into the pool.

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We spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing and most us had a nap – even I did – which I NEVER do.

While debating purchasing this Iditarod hat I had to laugh at the cart…


Dinner tonight was tacos. Love that the place supplied a tablecloth.


We watch America’s Got Talent and some animal documentaries (CHristy had another swim) and we gradually went off to bed.

2 thoughts on “A day at the Zoo

  1. Looks like you had a fun weekend. I love how they have painted the carts ‘safari’ style. The hotel looked nice too. Must have been very hot as it was quite hot here on the weekend.

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