Wow, I can’t quite believe where I am mentally right now. Today I did my cardio – 20mins on the elipitcal (exhausted at the end of it). Then I realized I won’t get to the gym tomorrow for upper body (Amy has to have some tests) so decided to go in just before lunchtime (after cleaning the house). Had a great workout. Really enjoyed it today. Then at 2.45 I walked up to the school to meet the girls and we walked home – 15mins one way, and 20mins on the way back. My heel still feels good so that is great news indeed. Feel so proud of myself. I’m going to see if I can get to the gym again first thing in the morning and do some normal cardio – or else I’ll do a DVD at home. I’m determined to have a decent weight loss this week to celebrate 10 weeks doing BFL.