Menu Plan Monday

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Last week we had a hit with the Mexican Pie. The homemade pizza was also very yummy.

TVP Mexican Pie img_0120

MONDAY : Pasta Bake (Amy’s request)

TUESDAY :Zucchini slice (using zucchini still growing in the garden)


WEDNESDAY: Sour Cream Quiche

THURSDAY: Homemade veggie/fish burgers

FRIDAY : Veggie Curry (still waiting to fit this one in)

Veggie Curry

SATURDAY :BBQ (organic meat / veggie patties), potato, pineapple

SUNDAY : Leftovers or cheese on toast

For more great menu ideas visit Laura at the Organizing Junkie.

3 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday

  1. Hi,
    Your menu looks delicious!!
    I’m an Aussie currently living in the USA. Glad to meet another Aussie joining in on Menu Plan Monday.

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