Book Review : Made from Scratch

Library book

I’m not sure where I first heard about this book Made From Scratch : Discovering the pleasures of a handmade life by Jenna Woginrich but I asked my library to purchase it, which they kindly did.  I’ve never been much of a library girl but since discovering them about 2 years I’m a convert – esp as they have bought a great many of the books I’ve suggested :-).

Anyway, back to the book review. I really didn’t know what to expect from this book. Jenna tells many tales about her move to the country and her endeavours to live a simple life. She is a great and witty writer and has a very easy to read style. Even the sections on things not really of any relevance to me – like beekeeping – I found a fascinating read. Not only does Jenna tell us her own journey but she gives you tips, tricks and lots of information. If you are interested in simple life or a “handmade life” on any level this book is definitely worth checking out. In fact, I’ll be putting it my “to purchase one day” list.

Finally, I was quite excited to find she has a website Cold Antler Farm so I read more of her adventures.

Oh, and I loved how this book used recycled paper…

Love the recycled paper

For anyone in the Wollongong Area this will be back at the library by Monday :-).

One thought on “Book Review : Made from Scratch

  1. Looks like that book will be heading my way as soon as you drop it off!!! Yes, I went online and reserved it; couldn’t wait till I got to work tomorrow morning – OK, make that this morning, it’s 2am and I have to be at work at 9.00am :0

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