Getting healthy???

Firstly just wanted to say a BIG THANKYOU to those of you who commented on my last post – I really do have THE best blog readers. So far it’s unanimous that you like the daily posts so that’s what I’ll go with.

Secondly, todays post is a bit of a downer. I rave on about my ongoing battle with healthy eating.

Thirdly after some thinking (while doing the ironing) I have a new strategy in place.

– I will start counting points but only as a guide as to how much I’m eating

– I will do some kind of exercise EVERDAY – after all, I do LOVE it

– I will be kind to me,  not beat myself up and just take things one day at a time.

2 thoughts on “Getting healthy???

  1. No advice I’m afraid but just wanted to say I can relate to everything you said 😉 I lost 60lbs last year which at my height is quite a bit (I’m only 4ft 11) and it’s going back on far too quickly for my liking 🙁 I wish I could stop it……

  2. What can I say Libby…everything you said could be me. 2008 was a stellar year with 100% commitment to diet and exercise and I saw great results, and I felt fantastic.

    2009 saw me start to care less, let things slide and put some weight back on, start feeling like, well, crap.

    And here I am in 2010, sitting on the edge…do I recommit and get it done, or do I totally lose all control and slide all the way back? I know what I have to do but why can’t I do it?

    I watched that short video and I was right there with you, it is 99% mental and that is what I have to work on. Maybe we can be each others online support.

    Now…group hug because you are so not alone!

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