Cookies and beans

Boy was it chilly out this morning – so I was glad today was an indoor workout day. After my workout I made a green smoothie for myself, scrambled eggs & toast for Amy, and toast & fruit for Christy.


Amy wasn’t well today so stayed home from school. I did a bit of tidying, got Christy off to school, had a shower and sat and relaxed for a bit.

Part two of breakfast was some cruskits with spreadable cheese.


Then on with the house cleaning. After doing downstairs I stopped for a cup of tea and handful of tiny teddies!!!


I then cleaned upstairs. Lunch today with stirfried veggies and tofu with red quinoa. I’m not sure if I ate too much or it just didn’t agree with me today but I felt so sick afterwards (and I didn’t eat the whole bowl). It was very strange.


A few hours later I was feeling better and enjoyed a small orange choc bar with yet another tea.


Once I was feeling better I made some more oatmeal cookies and got started on tonights dinner – Black Bean Burgers. Both were made in Mum’s food processor – so much easier than the Vita Mix. I did have a blender but gave it away a few months ago as I NEVER used it!!!! Now I need to buy one – oops – but I least I can buy a better model :-).

Mum & Dad got home from a 3 week trip today and bought us these goodies.


I especially look forward to trying the tea.


Afternoon tea with a bowl of leek and potato soup.


And one of the cookies – which was just as delicious as I remembered. You’d never know these have chick peas in them :-).


Tonights dinner was black bean burgers – which unfortunately got left in the oven too long and therefore were a bit dry, mashed potatoes and corn.


The burgers were tasty though so I will definitely try them again.


After dinner we of course had to sample some of the goodies Mum bought back from us. I had two of each. So yummy!


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