3 thoughts on “Video : Organsing my Handbag/What’s in my bag

  1. Some great ideas, I really like your cash wallet if you can share the link. I have never really thought of using smaller purses to sort everything out in my handbag before. I also love the key ring of cards, would allows much smaller purse 🙂

  2. You are so organised Libby, some really good ideas you have there. Would also love to know where you got the cash wallet from, that is just what I need 🙂

  3. Hi Libby, Loved the idea of having several smaller pouches inside my purse, thanks for the inspiration. My computer is only working with one speaker and I had some trouble hearing what you were saying about the hand sanitizer. I think you said you got it in the USA and couldn’t find any in Australia?? I’m not sure, but was interested in what you were saying, can you clear that up for me?I think I heard something about China also. haha IDK. Anyway, If you have a chance to shop at Bath and Body works when you come to the USA, they have a lot of nicely scented hand sanitizers,some that will clip on to your bags, etc… I love to go there and get all kinds of things, like soaps and lotions, too.

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