Thanks so much for all your comments on my Foodie Friday posts. I don’t expect everyone to comment all the time (but comments are always welcomed and appreciated 🙂 ). I just wanted to confirm that people actually wanted to see the posts. Looks like a lot of you do so I fully intend to continue with them.
It was the week of lovely morning walks – it’s been relatively warm again ….
I must like this spot as I snapped a pic in the same spot a few days later…
It was the week of lovely skies…
and it was the week I got tickets to see Ricky Martin with my Mum….
It was the week of green polish…it’s called Bluey but definitely seems more green to me…
It was the week of some father/daughter bonding over Amy’s laptop keyboard – they were giving the keys a clean…
and it was the week of birthday celebrations, starting with my family ALL helping out in the kitchen…
We had lunch with my Mum & Dad, serving some of my favourite foods (many of which I haven’t had in a long time since going low-sugar)….
Hmmm…I think we might have over catered…
In between savoury and sweet stuff we watched Cirque De Soliel Worlds Away. Not quite what I was expecting but enjoyable none-the-less.
Time to cut the cake. This is my fav. cake and the third year in a row that I’ve chosen this one.
It was the week of LOTS of brushes as the dogs are shedding their Summer coats….
and it was the week of lots of cuddles….
It was the week of a weekend swim…
and the week of a trip to the dog bath….
Looks like you had a lovely birthday celebration!!!!
Happy Birthday Libby. I’m Home now so expect some more comments.