Menu Plan Monday


MONDAY: Zucchini Slice and homemade bread (also making Cheesy Potato Chowder)

Zucchini Slice

TUESDAY: Cream Cheese Burgers (made by girls) – new recipe

WEDNESDAY: Tofu Stirfry (girls at school disco)


THURSDAY: Falafel Wraps

Falafel Wrap

FRIDAY: Vegetable Curry with rice

Veggie Curry

SATURDAY: Leftovers (Amy’s birthday party lunch)

SUNDAY: Chili Con Carne (from freezer)

Chili con carne

For more great menu idea visit the organising junkie.

Oh, and a bit of news, the girls after school schedule has changed so we’ll be back participating in Muffin Tin Monday next week.

4 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday

  1. Hi Libby, how funny I had Zucchini Slice last night too. I used my mums recipe which is a little different to yours but basically the same. I’m eating left overs for lunch today right now @ work 🙂

    Would you mind posting your recipe for vegetable curry one day? I’d like to try and make one.

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