Day 3 – Visiting Hollywood

Thankfully Amy woke us up at 7am. I had an okay night (catching up from the last few night) but Kevin had been awake much of the night (due to a work problem). Anyway, we managed to make it out the door just after 8am, and over to Hollywood Studios – yes, the ones at Disneyworld, not LA. The Americans sure do know how to do Christmas.


We lined up and waited for the park to open, which it did at 8.45am.


We joined the masses heading up the gorgeous street….


to Toy Story Midway Mania. Such hype about this 3D game ride. We never rode it at Disneyworld as we couldn’t understand all the fuss and refused to wait so long for ride. But today we went for it. Already we had about a 10min wait, when we exited it was up to 60mins already.


The theming is great.


And while we all really enjoyed the ride I don’t think any of us were super impressed. Certainly not enough to justify the incredible waits. If there were short lines I’d definitely do it again.


Next we battled the crowds still heading to Toy Story Mania and went the Hollywood Tower of Terror.



This is definitely a family favourite. And Kevin managed to score 6 (instead of 4) fast passes to ride again later.


We were getting a bit peckish by now so while the rest of them enjoyed a churro, I got myself a Mickey Pretzel. As you can see Kevin sampled the ear. This was great, but huge and I never did finish it.


Next we visited….


We learned all about Walt and even saw his desk, before seeing a film about his life. Fascinating stuff for Disney buffs. Even the girls really enjoyed it and Christy thanked me for taking her to see it.


Then it back to Tower of Terror. We rode once as a family, then the girls rode by themselves. Kevin and I hang out here.


I enjoyed these biscuits I got at Whole Foods….


and Kevin had a rest….


Finally it was time for Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. This is my fav. ride. The girls loved it too and the three of us rode a second time as single riders.


We did a bit of shopping and said goodbye to Hollywood… for today at least. We needed to pick up some drinks to headed to the Crossroads where there is a supermarket.


We were also excited to see all the varieties of Luna Bars (we somehow missed these at Whole Foods).


Amy and Kevin had spotted Taco Bell on the way so we decided to head there for lunch as it was now past 2pm.


What a menu! I spotted a healthy, yummy looking salad and got that.


It was so yummy. Everyone enjoyed what they ordered so no doubt we’ll be back before we leave. Plus the cost!!!! $ 16 compared to yesterdays lunch at $125!!! And this was the nicer meal :-)… but no characters of course.



After lunch we headed back to the resort. We had planned to go to EPCOT but I thought we all needed a bit of downtime and rest and relax. I had to go via reception and collect some pool towels.


Then we all headed down to the pool for a swim.


Our tower is right by the lazy river so did a few loops there. The water is SOOO warm. Perfect for this time of year.



We then had a play in the normal pool. Though the water was warm it was still cool when we got out.


Back upstairs we had a bath to warm up. Then the girls and I sat outside enjoying the sunset while Kevin had a nap. I started work on my blog posts, hoping to catch up the last few days.


When the sun set we headed inside. Around 6pm Christy came and asked if she could go to sleep. I said okay, and just hope she gets some extra hours and just doesn’t wake up really early. I spent the evening finishing off the posts. We all enjoyed an Amy’s frozen meal for dinner. Just as good as I’d remembered from our Alaska trip. More blogging, and I’m done. As soon as I hit publish I’m off to bed. Hoping for a good nights sleep and an earlier morning.

I should now hopefully be able to resume a normal blogging schedule :-).

4 thoughts on “Day 3 – Visiting Hollywood

  1. Glad to see that you are having a wonderful time. Love the pic of you guys in the pool.
    Doesn’t Disney know how to do christmas. If you have time a visit to Celebrarion is worth the visit. It snows every evening there. The houses are decorated beautifully.
    Where are you staying? We usually stay just outside of Orlando. About 10 minutes from Disney.
    Have fun tomorrow.

  2. Like Paula, the pool photo is great. I even saw Amy with a big smile.Looks like you’re have fitted a lot of things into your four days, all is well here, Good Puppies, say hi to Amy and Christy xxxx

  3. Really like your second last photo of Kevin, Christy, and yourself…worth framing.
    Hope your all having a ball.

  4. Hooray for an update! Looks like you are all having a ball! Look forward to following along with you! x

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